Sunday, February 28, 2010

CEO Space: The Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership in CEO Space Include:

• Seven-day residency accelerated management training — MBA refresher very advanced next generation training technology

• Revolutionary team building skills - Cooperation culture reformation systems replace older competitive system models for any size enterprise

• Capital Compliance Training - latest in corporate governance - latest departmental compliance technology for CEO and senior team leaders

• Capital Legal Help and Support - Inventive Structures - wide range of missions through merger and acquisitions for any size capital future planning

• Niche marketing - Redefine master plans every 18 months using CEO Space as "think tank" to meet changing global market conditions

• Advanced Team Motivation Skills - Ultimate Key Person annual reward program - trade tax dollars for performance gains from your team leadership

• Global marketing - Join CEOs from many industries and countries - in unique fast paced review of market plans - revise and improve marketing

• Media marketing - Cross Marketing over multi-platforms - Superior Experts polish final plans for real time execution in local to global market missions

• Network building skills and contacts - Super Networking A New Faster Technology to build resolution to CEO priorities via VIP relationship building

• Administration, From CFO to Integrity Accounting with accent on full compliance in every department updated to the current CEO Space class

• Online ongoing training and support 24 hours a day - CEO Space is an ongoing process supporting your team for years following the business Retreat Week

• Worldwide CEO contacts - mature planning - open new markets faster with lower cost - rapid on site new market development including CEO alliances

• Evolved master and core VISION plans - Reinvent your existing Brands - Master Plan new brands - use CEO Space to revise plans every 18 months

• Safe environment - confidentiality agreements between CEOs cross protect intellectual property - for each class - top law firms monitor protection

• Time Management - Accomplish more in less time - Time Reformation Skills - Worth membership by itself

• Brand and rebranding in the new markets - Fortune Expert trainers help you evolve critical path marketing plan renewal

• Ultimate Communication Classes - Fortune 100 Company Trainers - forever improve your future new product - group -and media sound byte skills

• Cooperation systems technology training - Global or home based principles core to the developing Global Productivity "new models" for faster peak performance

• Ripple Networking following class - as contacts from CEO Space classes from the early 1990's to the present provide resources for your agenda - following class completion

• Lifetime class access on all Forum Friday-to-Sunday Classes - for entire team providing ongoing planning and networking opportunities for CEOs at the top

• Follow up - Superior Corporate Coaches + the best Fortune Trainers - Always available to members via Email, phone and Instant Messenger

• Access to world class mentors and law firms at each CEO Space Retreat Week - with rotational teams of experts staffing each event - best advisors in the world on site

• Peer-to-Peer networking for CEOs in unmatched privacy - Best Club in the world for Super Achiever Alliances - in quiet, appropriate environment

• Class week paced for 90 minute breaks - easily manage back home responsibility via high bandwidth and cell phones every 90 minutes

• Two hour meal meetings with intimate process deal making - to speed results of building business performance during CEO Space's retreat week - eat with 120 CEOs at tables of five - or leading experts in key fields at tables of "your choosing" - week is transactional and contract initiating by nature - do more in less time - shrink months to years off goal attainment

• A new experience in training - unlike any seminar or training technology you have ever experienced - appropriate for professionals and CEO business owners and their inside key person teams - enroll into a new advanced form of training to acquire key skills and contacts while plans are evolved and goals more rapidly attained via a fully transactional program

CEO Space is MBA level skills, education, and accelerated business results in a single week, delivering a unique educational week of planning and execution for CEOs at the top.

Discover how you may be able to use the resources available thorough CEO Space to accelerate the growth of your business . . .

With warmest regards,

Dave Phillipson
CEO Space

Saturday, February 27, 2010

"But why am I not attracting investors?"

This may hold true for you, it's directed not to you but the thousands of posts similar to yours on LinkedIn, Twitter, Message Boards, etc., with folks that are certain they have "The Next Big Thing".

It's doubtful that you're going to find equity partners online.

In this day and time, you're going to have to get belly to belly with investors. You're not going to find them online, you're not going to find them at the local chamber mixer.

"You're going to have to find a place where money hangs out", as Robert Kiyosaki says.

You have to give them a chance to know you and what you're about. There is no better place than a "Country Club of Investors". But you're not going to have to show them that you're serious you have to impress upon them that you belong. Not impress them...Angels aren't looking to be impressed. Impress UPON them that you are what they are looking for.

You do this through getting in their club, then learning the language of capital, then taking the steps needed to give them confidence of seeing what they feel is right, and largely, by getting to know them personally... getting to be their friend.

If you're going to play hoops with Michael Jordan, you're not going to do that by hanging around the courts at Venice Beach or Laguna. You're likely to make acquaintance with Michael by hanging around the Player's Club at Cesar's Palace, with the other high rollers. ....and they're not going to let you in just because they saw you on an email list.

This advice comes from someone who saw $3 Billion in Angel money changing hands in 2009, when Banks and Venture Capital was sitting on the sidelines.

For all of you reading this, don't take it personal, take it to heart. It's the best advice you'll find, prior to the next step, which is finding such a club such as CEOSpace, that offers you a money-back guarantee and has a 21-year history of success of some household brands, members who are at some of the largest companies on earth.

For other articles on Funding, Business Hurdles, or Running a Business,
go to:

Dave Phillipson
CEO Space

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Role of the CEO & Board of Directors

The Chief Executive Officer within every business, company or organization is responsible for two major objectives:

1. To construct and communicate the overall objectives and direction of the organization.

2. To establish the strategic plan by which the organization can meet these objectives.

Without these two vital elements the company will show results that reflect uncertainty, instability and eventually, will lead to the ultimate downfall of the company.

The intrinsic nature of these two issues and the core stability they reflect are the very reason most CEO’s rely on the guidance and counsel from their Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors is the sounding board for executive decisions. Defined objectives keep the organization on course, hopefully pulling in the same direction. The CEO should be the one to define and set these objectives, the Board of Director’s are to ensure their accuracy and results.

At every board meeting the main issues to be reaffirmed should be,

“What is our business?”, “What direction are we going in?", and “How will we get there?”

The Strategic Values reflect business priorities in terms that the entire organization can understand and identify with. The Strategic Values are used to differentiate the organization from its competitors and at the same time, position itself in the mind of the consuming public. This very theme can sometimes make the difference between how the organization is perceived both internally and externally.

Each member of the board has to be specifically appointed for the value of their expertise. Their ability to think strategically or vertically as opposed to creatively or laterally is what keeps the organization on track.

Their ability to think through, critique and enhance the soundness of major strategic decisions by providing broader insights based on their individual expertise is their true function.

How do you construct a Board with focus, functionality and ability from your current peer group? You probably can not. While you may have contacts that bring industry specific knowledge to the team, to attract investment capital your Board must reflect a wide range of proven expertise and talent.

With one organization, CEOSpace, the CEO is able to connect with and attract industry experts, strategic thinkers and coaches with national and international board experience that bring accuracy and thus results.

CEOSpace allows the CEO to find board members they resonate with. Over executive round table dinners, projects and potential positions can be discussed. Operating under non-disclosure agreements and in an attitude of cooperation CEO’s can pose questions around current issues their company faces and determine who is the synergetic fit for their organization. With exacting standards of integrity members of CEOSpace are expected to perform and deliver their highest and best. Thus Strategic Values are defined and upheld, strategic plans are constructed and exacted and companies can enter an accelerated period of hyper growth.


CEO Space is the world's oldest and largest network for CEOs, Entrepreneurs and Visionary investors.

CEO Space is an entrepreneurial training and world class business networking organization, providing MBA-level training and development and an immersion experience of cooperation that results in income acceleration through exponential business growth.

CEO Space was founded by BJ Dohrmann, whose father was a mentor to Walt Disney, Napoleon Hill, Buckminster Fuller, Jack Kennedy, W. Edwards Demming, Earl Nightingale and many others. 

For the last thirty years, Bernhard (BJ) has been known as "Coach of the Coaches" ...Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Cannfield, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Loral Langmier, T. Harv Ecker, John Gray, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown and just about any other big name you can think of, as well as head execs at companies like Starbucks, HSN, 3M, AT&T, ConocoPhillips, and many more.  He is now counseling the United Nations and many foreign nations with regard to turning around the global economic crisis via Cooperative Capitalism.

About a third of the members are investors, including millionaires & billionaires. In just 5 meetings in the last year, CEO Space has generated over $3 Billion Dollars in funding for its members, while all the banks and venture capital firms were sitting on their hands.

Investors love CEO Space for four main reasons, among many....
1) Anonymity & Ability to get to know the principles intimately.
2) More quality deal flow in one place than anywhere on earth.
3) The opportunity to mentor and be mentored, no matter what level of one's stature.
4) The member companies are in a place where they have a lifetime membership with no annual dues and can get on-going advisement from the top business minds in the world.

For more, contact

Dave Phillipson
CEO Space

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The "Pay it Forward" of Business

In the 2000 film "Pay It Forward," people change their expectations about giving. Instead of getting "paid back" when they do something for or give something to somebody else, they tell the person to "pay it forward." The expression catches on nationwide, changing how people look at giving to others.

In Mahayana Buddhism, the bodhisattva vow is an individual's pledge not to fully attain Nirvana until all of humanity attains similar enlightenment. This contagious ethic aims for a chain-reaction in enlightenment.

So what do idealistic films and Eastern religion have to do with Capitalism? Nothing - and everything.

CEOSpace founder Berny Dohrmann does not seem to have either the movie or the bodhisattva vow in mind in his concept of "collaborative capitalism." But the broad principal is the same: when you serve others and nourish the principal of advancing the community first, you begin a movement that returns much more than if you had pursued your own interest to the exclusion of all others.

Dohrmann explains how collaborative capitalism differs from competitive capitalism, and maintains that his notion of collaborative capitalism inherently favors transparency.

In competition-based capitalism the founding principal of business is "The less you know the more I make." The more your endeavor is commoditized by price comparison of known characteristics, the greater your need to reject transparency and thereby preserve pricing flexibility.

In collaboration-based capitalism the founding principal is the creation of value. Value is the catalyst of hyper growth and innovation in markets.

If that sounds a lot more like good old-fashioned honest pricing for honest value than a revolutionary concept, it is. But when Dohrmann first examined the road Capitalism was taking, he realized that honesty and transparency had become unusual under the existing model of the day.

So in 1981, he created CEOSpace, the "original social network," to implement a collaborative capitalist model, eventually expanding to 140 clubs around the world. All members eventually went to one or more of Dohrmann's intensive 10-day seminars, held five times a year.

And that's where a business leader's concept of capitalism gets flipped upside-down.

Each participant shows up with a SNAP, or "human commercial," a clear, concise (30 seconds or less) description of what he can provide--but that "commercial" is at first only background information.

Upon meeting another member, a CEOSpace participant does not ask how he can get help in peddling his product and services. Rather, he immediately asks, "How can I help you?"

Participants work collaboratively, networking to create additional value, matching others' real needs with their own capabilities and resources. If there is "competition" in the model, it is competition to be highly regarded as helpful to other members. The guiding concern is that others flourish; if you are creating value for the CEOSpace community, all the incentives are structured for your own business to flourish as well. The more you help others, the more your own services are "advertised".

If you're tempted to write off Collaborative Capitalism as "Kumbayah Capitalism," a quick look at the program's testimonials should give you pause. Lifelong conservative business leaders, CEOs from the tech field to restaurant management, and authors and trainers agree: CEOSpace gets results.

While Dohrmann's model has common-sense advantages in any economic climate, the events since late 2008 put a fine point on what we mean by "value." The principles at issue can be traced across decades, bearing out the divergence of the modern-day financial system from a value approach. Value is whatever the market will pay for a given product or service; but value becomes purely notional and unmoored from reality, when transparency is evaded or simply foiled outright.

In the midst of the "Great Recession," entrepreneurial capitalism is not only holding its own, it is even (slightly) expanding. Industry and government leaders agree that recovery will depend on the continued and growing expansion of the entrepreneurial sector.

A confluence of easily available social media and a new recognition of the role of value and transparency certainly augur well for Dohrmann's collaborative approach. Sitting at the crossroads of social networking and transparent entrepreneurial capitalism, CEOSpace's "Pay-It-Forward" networking may just be the wave of the future.

For more information on CEO Space or Bernhard Dohrmann, go to or simply click the videos link on the links to the right of this story here at

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


What if you could insure your business against failure?

What if failure was simply no longer an option potential? What if you could purchase an insurance policy that would assure your business could never fail? What if you paid only once for the policy and there were no ongoing payments required? What if the policy worked every time for every business? Would you explore buying the policy if the policy included a money back guarantee? Would you take action to insure your business would not fail? If the policy included:

· Team discounts for family and team worth thousands more off their policies

· Four bonus days of free business training as a policy bonus

· A week of the most advanced training for business in the world

· A week of networking more advanced than any you have known

· More business in a week than most CEO’s will develop in 2010 all year

· The policy is profitable – or your money back

Would you explore buying the SUCCESS INSURANCE POLICY for a single low premium price?

We have been insuring business owners for over twenty years.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

CEO Space proves Collaboration vs. Competition, is the New Business Model in Today's Economy

Rapid success, important connections with current and future business partners and changing the world one CEO at a time. These are just a few of the intrinsic values posited by CEO Space, Inc in their proven model of collaborative and cooperative business networking.

As economies recover from the current recession, innovation, growth and stability in companies both small and large becomes evermore important. CEO Space, Inc., the world leader in the free enterprise education of business owners, CEOs and world leaders, is one company that has incorporated the idea of collaboration and cooperation into the retreat it hosts. By doing this they have revolutionized the business coaching retreat industry by bringing together the top minds in fortune companies and creating an environment where everyone -- small businesses, big businesses, authors and entrepreneurs -- is treated as equals, and are introduced to each other by saying “how can I help you”.

High-level speakers such as Les Brown, The World’s Leading Motivational Speaker and Marc Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, share their vision freely as well as learn from members attending the retreat. The idea behind this free-sharing of information and ideas is that it will facilitate growth and innovation in companies through the pooling of these intellectual resources.

The collaborative environment is nothing new to businesses, however for many years the notion has been that cooperating or joining forces with a competitor would result in loss of intellectual property or worse the downfall of one of the businesses doing the cooperating. The results of implementing collaborative environments, not only within the company, but externally as well, have been surprising to those who questioned it in the first place.

Collaborative efforts among businesses and nations in particular have culminated in accelerated growth of revenue, higher quality of product and even economic stability as a result of a higher GNP in nations that stress the idea of collaboration among businesses in their cities.

On a more individual level, participants look at CEO Space’s new collaborative retreat model and are impressed by the high level speakers and the connections they make. To be sure, attendees at these retreats are some of the most important players in the business world today with some of the best connections to be found.

The old axiom that competition is good for business still holds true in the majority of circles. Proponents of a competitive, non-collaborative, business model continually refer to competition as a validation of their ideas. CEO Space’s way of hosting retreats, however, begs the question: What if you can validate your idea amongst a collaborative group of entrepreneurs, make business connections that will help promote your idea and bring that same idea to life? The time to market is cut shorter and growth in revenue and ROI are both attained at a much faster pace.

Still, many businesses hold firm to the idea that competition pushes your business and keeps it from growing sluggish and stagnant. These same businesses also believe that competition forces focus. In some cases this may still be true, but for most businesses this model was based upon the idea that useful knowledge was concentrated in only a few areas. However, with the advent of current technology, information is no longer concentrated, but spread out amongst many individuals, businesses and nations. This makes collaboration and cooperation even more important.

CEO Space has a proven track record of over 20 years of success in their industry and their retreats have helped countless businesses achieve hyper-growth, reliable relationships with high-level business partners, finding and retaining customers and overall saving years in the process of growth for those businesses.

Many businesses and entrepreneurs recognize the necessity of a new business model that emphasizes collaborative environments within the workplace as well as outside collaboration with other businesses. These same businesses are finding that the growth of their revenue is exceeding that of similar companies that choose to maintain the old line that competition is the only way to foster growth and innovation. What they refuse to recognize is that when businesses cooperate, brainstorm and work together, the possibilities for growth, innovation and entrepreneurship are endless.

These same groundbreaking processes are being applied at the worldwide level as well. Nations that invest in a free enterprise based business model are finding that the businesses within their cities can utilize a collaborative environment to grow revenue and in turn grow the national treasury. CEO Space, Inc. has recognized this and has launched their Nation Space retreat initiative to help businesses in sovereign nations increase their Gross National Product and in turn help bring stability and growth to their economy.

In the end, business owners and entrepreneurs alike are finding that cooperative environments that foster collaboration will make more money and retain employees longer. These same businesses are adjusting their business models and “breaking all the rules” by leaving behind the old way of doing things. They are implementing structures within their businesses that create more resources and give people control over their environment. Once they establish their new business model the employees find themselves the recipients of a more collegial environment, one that fosters brainstorming, innovation and trust. As a result, the companies implementing these new ideas are making more money by collaborating than they ever could have, otherwise. CEO Space represents the new model for business development. They are teaching business lessons in a collaborative and cooperative manner. The environment is safe for learning and not competitive. In a nutshell, life lessons are learned in such a manner that business find out that they receive more from giving than taking and that through teaching they are actually learning.


Ask me for more information.
Dauntless Dave

This blog post was originally featured at, a CEO Space, member company.
For the leader in Social Network News for independent journalists, go to, an EXT company.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Poor Internet Research leads to being uninformed

Your internet search reviewed of the 1000 to one Good and Positive things about my life contributions to the market place, and 100% of our contributions with CEO SPACE with no blemish of any nature as our CEO’s world wide are fully satisfied with their membership, you found the blog about my 20 year old contempt violation and the many years that went into that battle. This blog exists from a young young blogger we fired over half a decade ago, from the CEO SPACE membership for stealing money from other members, and never completing the web designs he was paid for. He noted he would set up a blog to make “me” the great evil as a revenge for his membership termination. He never paid for his membership in the first place. We told him seven years ago, when he threatened me with all this in the blog world, that we didn’t care and we frankly don’t care today.

Our relationship together has to include that we protect the membership even if it means your discomfort in reading a lop sided blog as a revenge for justified membership termination to protect other members just like YOU remains on line years later. The matter is antique in nature. The facts include where a movie of my life story is being developed with Russell Crowe agreeing to read the screen play to star in the leading role among others at his level. In each class I ask guests to raise hands to determine who knows I was in prison and who did not know. I tell everyone the story. There are no secrets I our world. I could not be more public about my life if I tried. You should know, in my “crime” the issue related to a charge that disclosures on 87,000 thousand dollars of bond issues, of the billions we sold and marketed in investment world wide, in a firm almost as large as Smith Barney operating in 14 countries and publicly traded, with a claim in court that there should have been a higher standard of disclosures on the small bond issue. Even though no funds were missing or misused by myself and it is record I never profited in any way from the “crime” of contempt. There was no charge or fraud or any of the normal stuff. We defended we met all legal standards and we believed we had and that we did. The prosecutor, my boy hood friend since early grade school in private Catholic education, and through my young adult life, chose to prosecute on the basis “this jury will send a higher standard to the brokers of America”. We defended the law and the facts but we were prosecuted on a CAUSE. Our loss has become the basis of the movie Malicious Prosecution over 20 years later. CEO SPACE has a flawless record, no litigation threatened or otherwise, and no investigations or even inquiries from any state or Federal agency. We are over compliant in all our dealings in over 100 nations and our work with heads of State and the United Nations appears on If the blog on line caused you to feel uncomfortable, I can only say the issue over 20 years ago, was vicious and mean spirited in its nature. Also I ask how would that effect your use of CEO SPACE in 2010? I ask that you consider the very famous trainers that with full disclosure on this matter – far more than your blog discovery on line, fight one another to get slots to teach at CEO SPACE, where you work 99% with them and 1% with me. Put me in a bucket of “who cares” as I’m not what your investing in when you acquire a membership and diminish your decision based on “me”. I really am not a factor in your benefit. Your investing in a market place, and in enormous coaching resources, and you have money back guarantee that fully protects you from harm. If your still uncomfortable you will pass on CEO SPACE and we will bless your decision to do.

As you know I speak on the largest stages and venue platforms in the nation, most recently at the Super Bowl to athletes and in Dallas to NBA athletes. I’m booked from Paris to Hong Kong this year as the leading keynote address for huge conferences, and my past adds color to my “over compliance” doctrine where I tried to use my past as a positive asset to help other CEO’s to avoid even the most remote potential to find themselves in unexpected harm’s way as I did so many years ago. I’ve helped quite a few I believe and hope to help many more. Those at the top listen more because of my experience versus in spite of it. I recently spoke to 500 of the leading business owners in Romania at the Government’s request, meeting with the President of the nation and the minister of Finance. I am working with Governments from Pakistan to India to advance entrepreneur sector growth in their nations, with great pride and full disclosure.

I spend my life serving entrepreneurs in this final part of my sharing whatever gifts I have accumulated, now in my 60’s and my only objective is to foster improved results for small business owners. I hope this reply from our Club Presidents who are happy to discuss any further item with you on this topic, as is my long time personal attorney Maria Speth ( a litigator ) who teaches at class, so that your information is more rounded and complete. Although the blog world doesn’t let one reply adequately address the errors such “spin doctoring creates when revenge is the motivation”, I’d do the firing of the blogger individual all over again, because that decision protected our members. I did the right thing even if we have to forgo a good relationship as a consequence over the outflow this many years later. I’m sure you understand our desire to remove any discomfort for you with more full disclosure of the full facts.

The cost of leadership always has a penalty and I fully accept my responsibility.


Berny Dohrmann

PS: Your open minded collection of greater factual detail is very much appreciated thank you. I’m not very skillful in the blog world and we have never sought to reply to this kind of thing as our legacy contributions are best displayed by the more than 2,000 hours of on line video testimonials from CEO”s worldwide who are active members from more than 100 nations world wide, which includes many law firms and attorneys. One of the Prosecuting attorneys with the government, from the time of this matter have for over a decade elected to teach on our faculty, which itself is a unique statement on the forgoing.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The CEO Space Videos

Just a courtesy to those who didn't have high-end video cards in their computers and wanted to see some of the more popular videos of CEO Space's archive of over 2000 hours of testimonials., the videos are not that long. There very short.


Video #1 is a good overview for all companies, individuals in the speaking business, mid-stage companies, and especially those companies seeking funds. Video #2 is excellent for those who are start-ups, non-profits, and women-owned. Video #3 is for those who are larger companies, or one step-away. The Guarantee is recommended for ALL. You'll understand why when you are through.






CEO Space is the world's oldest and largest network for CEOs, Entrepreneurs and Visionary investors.

CEO Space is an entrepreneurial training and world class business networking organization, providing MBA-level training and development and an immersion experience of cooperation that results in income acceleration through exponential business growth.

CEO Space was founded by BJ Dohrmann, whose father was a mentor to Walt Disney, Napoleon Hill, Buckminster Fuller, Jack Kennedy, W. Edwards Demming, Earl Nightingale and many others. 

For the last thirty years, BJ has been known as "Coach of the Coaches" ...Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Cannfield, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Loral Langmier, T. Harv Ecker, John Gray, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown and just about any other big name you can think of, as well as head execs at companies like Starbucks, HSN, 3M, AT&T, ConocoPhillips, and many more.  He is now counseling the United Nations and many foreign nations with regard to turning around the global economic crisis via Cooperative Capitalism.

About a third of the members are investors, including millionaires & billionaires. In just 5 meetings in 2009, CEO Space has generated over $3 Billion Dollars in funding for its members, while all the banks and venture capital firms were sitting on their hands.

Investors love CEO Space for four main reasons, among many....
1) Anonymity & Ability to get to know the principles intimately.
2) More quality deal flow in one place than anywhere on earth.
3) The opportunity to mentor and be mentored, no matter what level of one's stature.
4) The member companies are in a place where they have a lifetime membership with no annual dues and can get on-going advisement from the top business minds in the world.

As my grandfather once, said, "Good Things do not come to those who wait. The only things to those who wait are those that are picked over by folks that can recognize a great opportunity.

I'm open to speaking to Decision Makers.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Berny Dohrmann – Top Business Strategist and Founder of CEOSpace – demonstrates a financial GPS for you to navigate through the years ahead:

Bestselling author, multi-billionaire business investor and business specialist Berny Dohrmann shows you:

• How to recognise opportunities in this economic climate.
• Why it’s better to ask for a seat on the board – AND how to do this.
• The secrets to cooperative business-building.
• New ways to create wealth you’ve never even thought of.
• Powerful ways to network your way to business growth and success – and WHY this skill will be more important than ever on the economic road ahead.

Berny Dohrmann is the founder of CEO Space, a new model for executive training. Mr. Dohrmann is also the author of Money Magic, Growing Rich with Diamonds, Living Life as a Super Achiever, and Perfection CAN BE Had (now being made into a motion picture).

Mr. Dohrmann has operated billion dollar investment companies worldwide with offices in fourteen countries and his materials have been distributed in seven languages. Today, Berny Dohrmann teaches others how to enrich their own lives through his books, as well as his live events.

CEO Space is the world's oldest and largest network for CEOs, Entrepreneurs and Visionary investors.

CEO Space is an entrepreneurial training and world class business networking organization, providing MBA-level training and development and an immersion experience of cooperation that results in income acceleration through exponential business growth.

CEO Space was founded by BJ Dohrmann, whose father was a mentor to Walt Disney, Napoleon Hill, Buckminster Fuller, JFK, Earl Nightingale and many others.

For the last thirty years, BJ has been known as "Coach of the Coaches" ...Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Cannfield, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Loral Langmier, T. Harv Ecker, John Gray, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown and just about any other big name you can think of, as well as head execs at companies like Starbucks, HSN, 3M, AT&T, ConocoPhillips, and many more. He is now counseling the United Nations and many foreign nations with regard to turning around the global economic crisis via Cooperative Capitalism.

About a third of the members are investors, including millionaires & billionaires. In just 5 meetings in the last year, CEO Space has generated over $3 Billion Dollars in funding for its members, while all the banks and venture capital firms were sitting on their hands.

Investors love CEO Space for three main reasons, among many....
1) Anonymity & Ability to get to know the principles intimately.
2) More quality deal flow in one place than anywhere on earth.
3) The opportunity to mentor and be mentored, no matter what level of one's stature.

If you would like to see Dohrmann Live at any in any of the following cities, inquire within:

Tuesday, February 9, Phoenix, AZ
Wednesday, February 10 Denver, CO
Thursday, February 11 Salt Lake City, UT

Tuesday, February 16 Sillicon Valley, CA
Wednesday, February 17 Marin County, CA
Thursday, February 18 Eureka, CA

Monday, February 22 Sorrento Valley, CA
Tuesday, February 23 San Diego, CA
Wednesday, February 24 Irvine, CA AM Los Angeles, CA PM
Thursday, February 25 Irvine, CA
Friday, February 26 LAX, CA

Monday, February 22 Sorrento Valley, CA
Tuesday, February 23 San Diego, CA
Wednesday, February 24 Irvine, CA AM Los Angeles, CA PM
Thursday, February 25 Irvine, CA
Friday, February 26 LAX, CA


Monday, March 1 Dallas, TX
Tuesday, March 2 Ft. Worth, TX
Wednesday, March 3 Austin, TX
Thursday, March 4 Houston, TX
Friday, March 5 Houston, TX

Tuesday, March 9 Baltimore, MD
Wednesday, March 10 Fairfax, VA
Thursday, March 11 Fairfax, VA