Friday, February 12, 2010

Poor Internet Research leads to being uninformed

Your internet search reviewed of the 1000 to one Good and Positive things about my life contributions to the market place, and 100% of our contributions with CEO SPACE with no blemish of any nature as our CEO’s world wide are fully satisfied with their membership, you found the blog about my 20 year old contempt violation and the many years that went into that battle. This blog exists from a young young blogger we fired over half a decade ago, from the CEO SPACE membership for stealing money from other members, and never completing the web designs he was paid for. He noted he would set up a blog to make “me” the great evil as a revenge for his membership termination. He never paid for his membership in the first place. We told him seven years ago, when he threatened me with all this in the blog world, that we didn’t care and we frankly don’t care today.

Our relationship together has to include that we protect the membership even if it means your discomfort in reading a lop sided blog as a revenge for justified membership termination to protect other members just like YOU remains on line years later. The matter is antique in nature. The facts include where a movie of my life story is being developed with Russell Crowe agreeing to read the screen play to star in the leading role among others at his level. In each class I ask guests to raise hands to determine who knows I was in prison and who did not know. I tell everyone the story. There are no secrets I our world. I could not be more public about my life if I tried. You should know, in my “crime” the issue related to a charge that disclosures on 87,000 thousand dollars of bond issues, of the billions we sold and marketed in investment world wide, in a firm almost as large as Smith Barney operating in 14 countries and publicly traded, with a claim in court that there should have been a higher standard of disclosures on the small bond issue. Even though no funds were missing or misused by myself and it is record I never profited in any way from the “crime” of contempt. There was no charge or fraud or any of the normal stuff. We defended we met all legal standards and we believed we had and that we did. The prosecutor, my boy hood friend since early grade school in private Catholic education, and through my young adult life, chose to prosecute on the basis “this jury will send a higher standard to the brokers of America”. We defended the law and the facts but we were prosecuted on a CAUSE. Our loss has become the basis of the movie Malicious Prosecution over 20 years later. CEO SPACE has a flawless record, no litigation threatened or otherwise, and no investigations or even inquiries from any state or Federal agency. We are over compliant in all our dealings in over 100 nations and our work with heads of State and the United Nations appears on If the blog on line caused you to feel uncomfortable, I can only say the issue over 20 years ago, was vicious and mean spirited in its nature. Also I ask how would that effect your use of CEO SPACE in 2010? I ask that you consider the very famous trainers that with full disclosure on this matter – far more than your blog discovery on line, fight one another to get slots to teach at CEO SPACE, where you work 99% with them and 1% with me. Put me in a bucket of “who cares” as I’m not what your investing in when you acquire a membership and diminish your decision based on “me”. I really am not a factor in your benefit. Your investing in a market place, and in enormous coaching resources, and you have money back guarantee that fully protects you from harm. If your still uncomfortable you will pass on CEO SPACE and we will bless your decision to do.

As you know I speak on the largest stages and venue platforms in the nation, most recently at the Super Bowl to athletes and in Dallas to NBA athletes. I’m booked from Paris to Hong Kong this year as the leading keynote address for huge conferences, and my past adds color to my “over compliance” doctrine where I tried to use my past as a positive asset to help other CEO’s to avoid even the most remote potential to find themselves in unexpected harm’s way as I did so many years ago. I’ve helped quite a few I believe and hope to help many more. Those at the top listen more because of my experience versus in spite of it. I recently spoke to 500 of the leading business owners in Romania at the Government’s request, meeting with the President of the nation and the minister of Finance. I am working with Governments from Pakistan to India to advance entrepreneur sector growth in their nations, with great pride and full disclosure.

I spend my life serving entrepreneurs in this final part of my sharing whatever gifts I have accumulated, now in my 60’s and my only objective is to foster improved results for small business owners. I hope this reply from our Club Presidents who are happy to discuss any further item with you on this topic, as is my long time personal attorney Maria Speth ( a litigator ) who teaches at class, so that your information is more rounded and complete. Although the blog world doesn’t let one reply adequately address the errors such “spin doctoring creates when revenge is the motivation”, I’d do the firing of the blogger individual all over again, because that decision protected our members. I did the right thing even if we have to forgo a good relationship as a consequence over the outflow this many years later. I’m sure you understand our desire to remove any discomfort for you with more full disclosure of the full facts.

The cost of leadership always has a penalty and I fully accept my responsibility.


Berny Dohrmann

PS: Your open minded collection of greater factual detail is very much appreciated thank you. I’m not very skillful in the blog world and we have never sought to reply to this kind of thing as our legacy contributions are best displayed by the more than 2,000 hours of on line video testimonials from CEO”s worldwide who are active members from more than 100 nations world wide, which includes many law firms and attorneys. One of the Prosecuting attorneys with the government, from the time of this matter have for over a decade elected to teach on our faculty, which itself is a unique statement on the forgoing.

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